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Minutes - 2019 NOBE Seminar

2019 Annual Business Meeting


Call to Order: 4:00 PM

Treasurer’s Report: As of the close of last year’s National Convention, the opening balance was $829.69. Over the previous year the only expense has been a total of $60 in PAC contributions. We collected $315 on dues today. The 50/50 Raffle is still ongoing, so we do not have a total yet. We were reminded that Wells Fargo requires we maintain a $500 balance in order for account fees to be waived.

Donations: Discussion of the amounts of this year’s donations, given our current funds. A motion was made and seconded to donate $50 each to the Jernigan Fund, tenBroek Fund, White Cane Fund, and Sun Fund; as well as increase our PAC from $5 to $15. This motion was carried unanimously. The Treasurer indicated he would make these donations in cash and adjust the PAC before the end of the Convention.

Elections: The Officers were up for election. Arthur Jacobs, the current Treasurer, indicated he would not be seeking another term. All other officers received nominations and were elected unanimously. Kaden Colton of Salt Lake City, Utah was nominated and unanimously elected Treasurer.

Adjournment: 4:25 PM

Submitted by

Signature: V Jacobs
Valeria Jacobs